AdEx Network Faces Crucial Community Vote on Decentralization

AdEx network offers users up to 50% for staking and voting in governance proposal.

Blockchain ad tech promises to make advertising more transparent and eliminate fraud

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AdEx will launch the project’s first community vote this month. Community members will decide on different ways to continue developing the protocol. 

AdEx is an advertising platform trying to solve advertising fraud and privacy issues.

One of the proposals asks the community how many ADX tokens the platform should create next year. A larger supply means a higher rate of interest. The largest supply is 150 million.

AdEx launched an incentivized staking program in September 2020. At that time, the protocol created 7 million new ADX tokens to distribute to bonded stakers. Users who staked at that time are earning anywhere from 120% to 400% returns.

Only users holding ADX-LOYALTY tokens can vote on the upcoming vote. ADX holders can stake tokens in the AdEx Loyalty Pool to earn voting rights.

This pool also offers passive income at 10% to 50% interest.

The protocol is enticing users to move their tokens off of exchanges and into the AdEx ecosystem. Users will earn rewards and control over the protocol’s future for doing so.

With users in control, AdEx is decentralizing its operations.

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