The Fantom ICO preview that we published offers a high-level view of the high-performance blockchain project, so I won't spend too much time talking about the ICO goals and the industries Fantom wants to work within. Today's goal is a code review to see where they're at with their tech progress.
Phantasma wants to do something several people have considered before now: they want to create a decentralized system for emails, and content distribution so that artists can get paid properly, and do it all securely and with encryption and so on and so on. The code review shows little work so far.
Today, let’s look at bloXroute, a network abstraction layer for blockchains (plural). Their focus is to create an agnostic infrastructure that can be leveraged by all blockchains. They basically claim Immediate 100x scaling. All blockchains. No protocol changes. Provably neutral. Eh? Really? Yep.
NuCypher is a project to bring key management systems (KMS) to the blockchain, so that decentralized systems and applications can become more secure. For the NuCypher code review we start off with an example of how their tech works.
Skrumble Network makes a whole bunch of bold claims about its upcoming ICO - but the real question here is "What is this messaging app doing on the blockchain?" In this code review I'm finding that all the evidence points to an unnecessary blockchain pivot for Skrumble's parent company.
CPChain (for Cyber Physical Chain) is a blockchain for the Internet of Things. Since IoT transactions are a key use-case for blockchain tech, there are understandably quite a few companies doing interesting things in this space, from IOTA to the upcoming Atonomi. So let's get into the code review.
Holochain is not really like anything I've seen before, so this code review won't be quite like anything you've read from me before. The Holodchain scalable distributed computing model seems to be taking decentralization to a new level, but bloody hell, is this thing just too good to be true?Â
Today I'm doing a deep dive with my QuarkChain code review - the findings were factored into the QuarkChain ICO review that we published yesterday. We'll be doing this more, to give you more of a sense of how we rate our ICOs since the code review is an important metric in our analysis.