Crypto Influencers On Twitter - Who To Follow Now

Crypto influencers on Twitter - who to follow right now

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Whether you love crypto influencers or hate them, the fast-moving cryptocurrency market is closely linked to the Twittersphere, with thousands of industry players and market makers posting advice, revealing scams and scandals, tossing insults and pumping shitcoins on the ubiquitous social platform.

In this guide, we’ll highlight some influential crypto influencers’ Twitter accounts, and provide a short summary of the kind of content they frequently post. We’ll update it frequently, and we’re always open to suggestions – DM us @crypto_briefing 

Vitalik Buterin


Vitalik Buterin is the co-founder behind the Ethereum blockchain, and has been named in the Forbes 30 under 30 list. Buterin doesn’t really need an introduction— but it’s clear that he’s definitely worth following on Twitter. The “boy genius” of Ethereum habitually posts on Twitter, and isn’t afraid to call out fraudulent platforms or highlight issues present within the blockchain ecosystem.

Charlie Lee


Charlie Lee is the mind behind Litecoin, one of the main competitors to Bitcoin. As the ex-director of engineering at Coinbase, Lee has a lot to say about the ongoing technological evolution of the blockchain ecosystem and delivers excellent detailed insight into hard forks and other complex issues. Lee is also known for is acerbic humor when commenting on industry detractors.

The Wolf of Poloniex


The Wolf of Poloniex offers nothing in the way of informative industry commentary, but is definitely worth a follow for the laughs he delivers, crying “EXIT ALL MARKETS” at the slightest dip. The man behind the Wolf operates a private trading advice group called the “Wolf Pack”, charging a 0.1 BTC fee for entry.

While the Wolf’s trading advice may be questionable, his Jordan Belfort-esque commentary on the cryptocurrency market and cynical, dramatic stabs at other crypto Twitter personalities are a refreshing addition to any crypto Twitter feed. If it’s fun and fury you’re after, he’s one of the top crypto influencers out there.

Alex Sunnarborg


Alex Sunnarborg is the second ex-Coinbase employee on this list, working as a research analyst for the platform until founding Tetras Capital, a blockchain-focused hedge fund. Sunnarborg delivers a steady stream of feature interviews, market prediction, and detailed charts that are worth adding to your Twitter feed.

Spencer Bogart


Bogart was one of the first Wall Street venture capitalists to break into the cryptocurrency market, and frequently posts scathing criticism of mainstream media FUD alongside insightful market observations. Spencer is, however, a prolific retweeter, sometimes spamming random alts or other less-than interesting information. Despite this, Bogart is definitely worth following for the quality of his self-published posts.

Roger Ver


Roger Ver is another unique character in the blockchain ecosystem, and is known for being somewhat evangelical regarding Bitcoin Cash. Public sentiment towards Ver is decidedly mixed, but if you’re interested in reading frequent criticisms of Bitcoin and gaining perspective on the argument in favor of Bitcoin Cash, Ver is worth following.

Gavin Andresen


Andresen is one of the giants of the Bitcoin scene. In the early days of the project Andresen was the lead developer that took over the Bitcoin project from Satoshi Nakamoto, and has been referred to as the “man who really built Bitcoin”.

If you’re interested in the antithesis of Roger Ver and want to find frequent and loud bullish calls in your Twitter feed, Andresen is your man. He’s also good for some decent advice every now and again.

Jameson Lopp


Jameson Lopp is an experienced security consultant with Bitgo, and is a strong source of philosophical and political discourse regarding the blockchain revolution. If you’re not interested in pseudo-political diatribes on state monopolies peppered with a dash of technical insight, however, don’t follow.

Alvin Lee


Alvin Lee is a self-styled “veteran crypto trader”, and has been running the Aluna Cryptocurrency & Trading blogspot for years. Like Spencer Bogart, Lee is guilty of constant retweeting, but the posts he does make on occasion— paired with the content drawn from his Blogspot— make him a worthwhile addition to any crypto Twitter feed.

John McAfee


McAfee. The man. The legend. Best known for playing Russian roulette with WIRED reporters, shooting up his house while naked during an alleged Belizean assassination attempt, famously promising to “eat his own dick on national television” if Bitcoin doesn’t hit $500,000 per coin by 2020, and pumping any shitcoin under the sun for the right fee, John McAfee is a must-follow for any crypto enthusiast. Plus, he really looks like Al Pacino, these days.

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