Crypto Grabs A Bigger Pizza The Action

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There’s a new record for crypto-funded pizza. Eight years after the most expensive pizza in history, a new record was set for the most pizza bought with cryptocurrency.
According to a press release by Paytomat, the record was set in a Ukrainian pizza shop called MisterCat. 167 people sad down during a “Blockchain Pizza Party,” organized by the local Nem community, and making a total to 202 transactions.
Nem was the most popular method of payment, accounting for 78.7 percent of all paid checks. Next were Dash(16.7), Ether(2.7%), Bitcoin(1.3%) and Waves(0.7 percent).
Paytomat also clocked the speed of the transactions. Waves transactions were the fastest, at 35 seconds, followed (surprisingly) by Bitcoin at 53 seconds. The slowest cryptos were Nem(3:15) and Ether at a seriously overbaked 5:52.
The record was acknowledged by the National Register of Records of Ukraine and will be included into Ukraine’s Record Book in 2019.
“This was a big day in the history of blockchain,” said Anton Bosenko, a local figure in the Ukrainian Nem community. ” With this record, we made a big step in bringing popularity to this technology.”
It was also a big step towards adoption, Bosenko said. “For some of our guests, it was the first time when they paid with crypto.”
Cryptocurrency is a risky business, not only for investors but also for the merchants who take the risk of accepting it. Besides leaving them vulnerable to price volatility, the technology can be confusing to use.
To make crypto easier to use, Paytomat acts as an all-in-one payment system, with integrated point-of-sale terminals like the one at MisterCat. Guests paid with their cryptocurrency wallets–in whatever currency they chose–and the pizza shop received fiat money.
“It all went very smooth. The Paytomat integration was super-quick, and all transactions were successful. We’ll be launching the option to pay with crypto throughout all our network,”said MisterCat marketing director Serg Chaika.
Paytomat describes itself as an “decentralized autonomous organization and decentralized franchise” intended to facilitate frictionless crypto payments between merchants and consumers, and incentivizes participation through its native PTM and PTX tokens. The payment system is now live with more than 400 merchants.
The party was set to mark the anniversary of “bitcoin pizza day,” the anniversary of the first real-life crypto transaction, when 10,000 bitcoins were spent on a pair of Papa John’s pizzas. It’s not known if they let a tip in bitcoins, or if the the delivery driver kept it.
If she did, we hope she’s enjoying the Bahamas.
The author is invested in Ether, Bitcoin and Dash, which are mentioned in this article.
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