MyCrypto And ShapeShift Look To Adopt Baby Users

Share this article – the controversial startup that forked from last month – has partnered with (an almost equally controversial business, to crypto insiders) to create a product that seems designed to make crypto adoption a little simpler for new users.
In the video below you’ll see a simple shift from Ether (ETH) to Civic (CVC) performed entirely within the MyCrypto environment, without any need to jump offsite to a third-party.
For a new user (or someone concerned with speed) that could be a significant advantage – the steps that experienced crypto-enthusiasts will take to swap digital currencies can be intimidating (and hard to explain) so anything that makes their experience more simple, more streamlined, and more secure can only be a good thing for mass adoption.
ShapeShift has occasionally been criticized within the industry for providing users with rates that some claim are not as competitive as those that can be found elsewhere, while MyCrypto was in the headlines after what seemed a difficult split between the key personnel of the popular MyEtherWallet.
However, this new partnership clearly demonstrates that CEO of MyCrypto, Taylor Monahan, has big plans for the new company that go beyond the existing community.
In a Medium post dated Feb 8th 2018, she wrote that “I have accomplished things I never thought possible. I love that. It’s hard, but without it I would have no idea of what I’m truly capable of.” The post itself is both a personal, and professional manifesto that anyone whose passion is also their job (or who is launching a business) might care to read thoroughly.
Monahan’s journey toward mass adoption mirrors that of ShapeShift and its CEO, Erik Voorhees, which may explain the partnership. Both philosophically and practically, their decision to make it easier for more people to enter the crypto world can only be good – for their companies, for this community, and for the future growth of cryptocurrency in general.
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