Re-State Foundation Announces the Launch of the first MetaUniversity in the Metametaverse
The specific focus of the MetaUniversity is bringing together all human knowledge related to collaboration and the future of governance.
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Re-State Foundation, a Swiss non-profit foundation aiming to reimagine the future of governance, is launching the world’s first MetaUniversity in the Metametaverse. MetaUniversity’s vision is to co-create all essential past, present and future knowledge related to governance and collaboration, for a systemic evolution towards united humans’ consciousness. In addition to educational resources on Web3 and collaboration, the MetaUniversity links together and provides a space for all educational institutions currently operating in various metaverses.
World’s First MetaUniversity in the Metametaverse
The specific focus of the MetaUniversity is bringing together all human knowledge related to collaboration and the future of governance. Humanity has entered the era where mainstreaming the narrative of global collaboration and forging the new types of cooperation become of the utmost importance. Re-State Foundation’s work aims at promoting collaboration, manifested in various forms, with a special emphasis on technological development.
The MetaUniversity will be a global academic network of leading researchers and institutions around the world engaging in research including evolution of human collaboration, new tools for the future of governance, Web3 and Cryptoeconomics, digital identity solutions, and others.
The MetaUniversity will also be a portal through which users will be able to enter numerous educational spaces in other metaverses in an ever expanding effort to make education more accessible. Through the Metametaverse protocol all users in different educational metaverses will be able to easily see and navigate to other educational themed metaverses.
Anastasia Kalinina, Co-Founder and CEO of Re-State Foundation, said:
“The Metaverse represents a powerful testbed for new governance models that are more human-centered, inclusive, responsive, and pluralistic. Open knowledge and accessible education should be top priorities for the next generation of metaverses. It is imperative to make structures and incentives underlying our digital ecosystem evolve alongside its technological foundations.”
Joel Dietz, Founder and CEO of Metametaverse, added:
“Facilitating learning and collaboration is one of the key reasons we built the Metametaverse. It provides a seamless way of connecting different metaverse spaces.”
Alexandra Seaman, Head of Partnerships at the Re-State Foundation, said:
“The MetaUniversity is an essential part of digital commons driven by community solidarity, group ownership, and open source technologies. We want the metaverse we are developing to become a safe space for its visitors to explore different aspects of human collaboration and discuss the impact of emerging technologies.”
Re-State is a Swiss-based non-profit foundation reimagining the future of governance by bringing together leaders from private and public sectors, civil society, tech entrepreneurs and youth communities to create and test new governance models for peaceful global co-existence in the 21st century and beyond.
Metametaverse is a virtual society and platform for building metaverses. It includes a specific protocol and language for connecting different metaverses.
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