Vietnamese Food Retailer Accepts COS Tokens; COS.TV Becomes New Channel for Brick-and-mortar Stores to Enter Web3 E-commerce

The announcement is expected to increase the use cases of COS tokens and draw interest from the Vietnamese cryptocurrency community.

Vietnamese Food Retailer Accepts COS Tokens; COS.TV Becomes New Channel for Brick-and-mortar Stores to Enter Web3 E-commerce

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AMOR SHOP, a food retailer in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, recently announced that it will accept COS tokens instead of fiat currency for store purchases and that it will use the decentralized audio and video platform COS.TV to sell products, moving from physical retail to e-commerce. This is expected to increase the use cases of COS tokens and draw interest from the Vietnamese cryptocurrency community.

COS.TV Combines Digital Asset Management With Web3 Video Distribution

In addition to selling many branded snacks, the foodie founder Hang Nga is committed to developing her own brand of food products. Hang Nga is a loyal COS.TV user and organized marketing activities with the COS.TV community. For example, AMOR SHOP ran a campaign where creators that made videos of the AMOR SHOP branded product “Sichuan Chicken Floss” and uploaded it on COS.TV received the chicken floss products for free.

In addition, Hang Nga announced that COS tokens would be accepted by the store instead of the Vietnamese Dong and that COS tokens could be used to buy AMOR SHOP’s products. All product prices are denominated in Vietnamese Dong, and payment is made through the Contentos mainnet wallet. It has been less than a month since AMOR SHOP began accepting COS tokens and more than ten orders have been paid for using COS tokens. Hang Nga said, “We accept COS tokens for product purchases because it is easy to trade, and it is our hope that COS gets better and better.”

Contentos Vietnamese Community Manager Hai Trung said:

“The Vietnamese community has a strong foundation and the community regularly organizes activities independently to exchange knowledge about blockchain technology. In addition to connecting people learning about blockchain, COS.TV connects many professionals, such as artists, creators, newcomers, and startups. For merchants and companies, blockchain technology can be used to help them market and sell products and services, and COS.TV has become the best channel for enterprises to enter Web3.”

COS.TV is a platform that combines digital asset management tools and Web3 video distribution. Founded on the principles of blockchain decentralization, COS.TV encourages users to interact on the platform to earn ecosystem reward tokens or “Watch to Earn”. On COS.TV, the distinction between “fans” and “KOLs/businesses” is blurred, and each user has more rights and can enjoy more benefits than in other platforms.

The Contentos Foundation entered Vietnam in 2018, and the COS.TV community has been growing consistently with strong growth in 2021. Ever since COS.TV entered the Vietnamese market, many Vietnamese cryptocurrency enthusiasts have been sharing and creating videos through the COS.TV platform, and have formed several creator guilds to support each other.

In addition to building the COS.TV community, Contentos has been working on its own Metaverse, COS.SPACE, with the goal of creating a more complete online experience for creators. CEO Mick Tsai recently revealed that the COSverse online launch event will be held on COS.SPACE at the end of the year​​, and a limited number of core users will be invited to the event.

The vision of Contentos is to build a decentralized digital content community that allows content to be freely produced, distributed, rewarded, and traded, while protecting author rights. Contentos strives to incentivize content creation and global diversity and return the rights and value of content to users. A decentralized video platform, COS.TV is built on top of the Contentos mainnet, which now serves over 1 million global users monthly around the world.

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