Yahoo Finance Integrates Cryptocurrency in Partnership with CoinMarketCap

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Yahoo Finance is partnering with CoinMarketCap to provide cryptocurrency information and news to the broader market. With over 3.5 billion monthly visitors this may greatly increase the visibility of Bitcoin and other alternative cryptocurrencies.
CoinMarketCap, the leading cryptocurrency market data website, will provide its cryptocurrency indices and educational information on Yahoo Finance, Verizon Media’s news outlet. The indices provide real-time pricing from over 200 exchanges and give exposure to the broader cryptocurrency market by including it alongside metrics for assets that represent more than 90% of the global market capitalization.
In addition, CoinMarketCap’s newsletter and blog content will be integrated into Yahoo’s cryptocurrency news stream, as well as on Yahoo’s recently added cryptocurrency screener landing page — essentially making Yahoo an iteration of the CoinMarketCap website.
The partnership will further increase CoinMarketCap’s dominance as well as provide exposure to readers who might not have previously been involved in cryptocurrency. Despite Yahoo’s fall from preeminence, is still one of the most trafficked sites in the world with an estimated 3.5 billion visitors per month. Yahoo’s Joanna Lambert said of the partnership:
“As cryptocurrencies continue to gain attention, it’s essential that we expand our crypto news and data for millions of Yahoo Finance users across the globe. By partnering with CoinMarketCap, we can provide timely and reliable crypto information to meet our audience demand.”
As cryptocurrencies struggle to gain validation in the mind of the general public, the move could be a step towards making cryptocurrencies more accessible and could play a part in greater adoption. For now, at least, it is a push for greater incorporation of crypto in the average investment portfolio.
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