InterValue Code Review: Blockchain 4.0

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I must have skipped blockchain 3.0 when I went to bed last night, because when I got to this InterValue code review I found it was already up to blockchain 4.0. Next generation (of course) global value Internet (?) scalable dapp development platform… this website is like crypto bingo, but at least it ends with some hilarity, “General Purpose Ecological Blockchain” is probably amazing but I don’t really know why.
Maybe a bad translation, won’t laugh at that, just think the whole things seems a bit all-encompassing to really mean anything.
So anyway, off we go. Reading whitepaper. Icons in the meantime.

Whitepaper reads very blockchain 1.0, not really 4.0, going to jump into the code for now.
Layout looks familiar.
Let’s compare a few repo’s to see what changes we are dealing with.
Close to 1:1, so let’s look into the commits.
Just renames.
Rest of the repo’s are the same. So InterValue isn’t InterValue just yet, so guess it’s back to the whitepaper to see what they are doing differently than ByteBall.
New type of p2p, new type of data structure and a new consensus. Let’s get some more data.
Not seeing anything particularly new here. Bit sad really, after that graphic.
InterValue Code Review Conclusion:
For now, just a Byteball clone with some HashNet promises. Bit disappointing, will see what they can do in the future.
Disclaimer: Crypto Briefing code reviews are performed by auditing what is on display in the master branch of the repo’s made available. This was performed as an educational review and any comments in the article are the opinion of the writer. It is normal for code to change rapidly, hence we timestamp our code reviews so that they present a snapshot at a moment in time. Information contained herein should not be used as any comment or advice on the project as a whole.
InterValue Code Review Timestamp: June 4th, 2018 at 22:51 GMT
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