Satoshi Nakamoto honored with US flag ceremony by anti-crypto Senator Warren

Warren's signature appears on an official document praising the creator of Bitcoin.

Satoshi Nakamoto honored with US flag ceremony by anti-crypto Senator Warren

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Senator Elizabeth Warren recently signed a certificate to honor Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto by flying a ceremonial flag over the US Capitol. This comes despite Warren’s vocal criticism of crypto and her advocacy for stricter regulation of the industry.

The certificate, which commemorated Bitcoin’s 15th anniversary by calling for a flag to fly over the Capitol on January 3rd, praises Nakamoto for developing “the first truly inclusive financial system that is providing new economic freedoms to populations previously ignored by both public and private institutions.” It goes on to state that “Americans are forever grateful” for this contribution.

Warren’s signature on the certificate has baffled many within the crypto industry, given her negative stance toward digital assets in the past.

Some have speculated that Warren may not have actually been aware she was signing a pro-Bitcoin certificate. It’s possible that an intern simply presented the certificate for a routine signature.

Just this month, Warren participated in a Senate Banking Committee hearing where she condemned the alleged use of digital assets to facilitate crime and scams.

She also continues to push for legislation aimed at imposing anti-money laundering regulations on the crypto industry. Over the past year, Warren has gained support from 19 senators, including Republican Lindsey Graham, for her proposed Digital Asset Anti-Money Laundering Act.

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