Superfarm Partners With Polygon on NFT Scalability

Minting NFTs on SuperFarm will now be a whole lot cheaper.

Superfarm Partners With Polygon on NFT Scalability
Shutterstock photo by 24K-Production

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Cross-chain DeFi protocol SuperFarm is integrating with Polygon to bring cryptocollectibles, or NFTs, to the masses. 

NFTs: A Costly Business

Superfarm will now make use of the Polygon network, allowing users to create fast and low-cost NFTs using layer-2 solutions despite typically high gas fees on the Ethereum network. 

Right now, creating NFTs is costly because the Ethereum network is congested with activity. Until Ethereum 2.0 arrives, Polygon hopes to  cut costs for those who want to use the network. 

“Users are priced out of interacting on-chain due to high gas fees on Ethereum,” Polygon’s co-founder, Sandeep Nailwal, said. “Polygon’s scaling solution aims to solve that and provide a superior user experience without compromising on security.” 

He added that SuperFarm users will be able to mint, sell, and farm NFTs for less than $0.01. 

What Are Polygon and SuperFarm?

Polygon, backed by Coinbase and Binance, is already popular with NFT collectors. It uses Layer-2 secured changes and sidechains to create a scaling solution for the Ethereum blockchain.

SuperFarm, meanwhile, allows anyone to turn a token into an NFT farm with no code required. The project aims to produce collectible tokens for use in AAA games and other applications.

Disclosure: This author held BTC, ETH, and DOT at the time of press.

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