Alex Gallagher

Alex Gallagher
New York City

Alex Gallagher

Marketing Operations Analyst
New York City
Alex's first involvement in the blockchain industry was in 2015 at the Bitcoin Center NY, and then at a Bitcoin exchange startup in 2016. After that he worked in banking for a few years until DeFi brought him back from the dark side. Outside of crypto, his passions include politics, open-source software, and football.
  • Bitcoin Conference Heads to Amsterdam

    Bitcoin Conference Heads to Amsterdam

    The Bitcoin Conference, a two-day gathering of the most prominent voices in the Bitcoin ecosystem, is heading to Amsterdam for the first time.


  • Boba Network Raises  Million for Ethereum Scalability

    Boba Network Raises $45 Million for Ethereum Scalability

    Boba Network, a project that focuses on Optimistic Rollups as an Ethereum Layer 2 scalability solution, has managed to raise $45 million.


  • Fantom Foundation Announces 335M FTM Incentive Program

    Fantom Foundation Announces 335M FTM Incentive Program

    In a blog post this morning, the Fantom Foundation announced a new 335 million FTM incentive program in collaboration with Gitcoin Grants. 


  • FTX Ventures and 3AC Bet on Mina Ecosystem

    FTX Ventures and 3AC Bet on Mina Ecosystem

    Mina, a privacy-oriented protocol utilizing Zero Knowledge Proof technology, has raised $92 million from industry powerhouses.


  • Deus Finance Suffers M Oracle Exploit

    Deus Finance Suffers $3M Oracle Exploit

    DeFi platform Deus Finance has suffered a $3 million exploit resulting from the manipulation of its price oracle.


  • Treasury Department Seeks to Educate the Public on Risks of Crypto Investing

    Treasury Department Seeks to Educate the Public on Risks of Crypto Investing

    The Treasury Department will kickstart an initiative to educate consumers about the potential risks of investing in cryptocurrency.


  • SandStorm Heads to Polygon, Ethereum After .5M Seed Raise

    SandStorm Heads to Polygon, Ethereum After $2.5M Seed Raise

    SandStorm has raised $2.5 million in a seed funding round. The project will launch its new platform on Ethereum and Polygon at SXSW 2022.


  • CME Group To Offer Micro Bitcoin and Ethereum Options 

    CME Group To Offer Micro Bitcoin and Ethereum Options 

    The world’s largest futures and options exchange by daily volume has announced its plans to offer Micro Bitcoin and Micro Ethereum options.
