Jay Putera

Jay Putera
New York City

Jay Putera

Business Development Director
New York City
Jay is a Partner in Crypto Briefing, and our Former Business Development Director. He is a New Yorker with experience in the hotel, leisure and tech marketing industries.
  • IMF Chair Christine Lagarde Teases Digital Currency at Fintech Festival

    IMF Chair Christine Lagarde Teases Digital Currency at Fintech Festival

    The Managing Director of the IMF hailed the ongoing "Fintech revolution" and enumerated the possible advantages to digitalizing money.


  • eToro announced support for a crypto universal basic income project

    Crypto Meets Universal Basic Income Through eToro

    eToro is launching a project that might combine cryptocurrency with a radical social experiment: Universal Basic Income.


  • Chinese Banks Launch Blockchain Settlement Platform

    Chinese Banks Launch Blockchain Settlement Platform

    The China Electronic Banking Network, reports that “Ping'Tai ” has recorded six transactions, for a total value of 30 million RMB. 
