Libra Association Forms Committee to Govern Developments

Anchorage, Bison Trails, Mercy Corps, Calibra, and USV all join committee.

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The Libra Association has announced the formation of a five-member Technical Steering Committee that will govern the ongoing development of the project.

A 5-Star Team

The role of the Steering Committee covers the oversight and coordination of the Libra platform’s technical design and development. 

The announcement on the Libra website states that the establishment of the Committee is part of realizing the project’s vision to become “self-governing and independent of any one organization’s control.”

The five Committee members have been selected from five of the 21 companies involved with the Libra Association, and each has a specific area of technical expertise. Inevitably, there is a heavy focus on blockchain technology. 

Diego Monica, Co-founder and President at Anchorage, Joe Lallouz, CEO and Founder at Bison Trails, and Ric Shreves, Director of Emerging Technology at Mercy Corps, all have a background in blockchain.

Nick Grossman, Partner at Union Square Ventures has a background in leading and advising startups, particularly on security, data, privacy, and regulatory issues. Finally, George Cabrera III is the Libra Core Developer at Calibra, with a 20-year background in software development, including time spent in Facebook’s Core Data team.

Responsibilities of the Committee include directing the technical roadmap, forming working groups to fast-track research into specific issues, and guiding the codebase development.

The announcement also states that within the first quarter of 2020, the Committee will publish a technical governance framework. 

This framework will instruct open-source developers on how they can propose changes to the Libra network.

The Libra network is currently in pre-mainnet stage, according to the project roadmap. A full mainnet launch is anticipated for later this year. 

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