Sarah Rothrie

Sarah Rothrie
Saint-Louis, France

Sarah Rothrie

Saint-Louis, France
Sarah is a contributor at Crypto Briefing. She ran away from a corporate job so she could travel the world. She has written more than 500 pieces covering blockchain, cryptocurrencies and other emerging technologies.
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    Kava Is Offering Users Millions to Mint Its Stablecoin With BNB

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    Chainalysis to Surveil Privacy Coins, Allowing Exchanges to Blacklist Encrypted Tokens

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    Controversial AI Firm Awarded $500,000 Contract for Coronavirus Tracing

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    Oil Dropped to Zero Before Bitcoin, but Did Regulators Notice?

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    How to Short Bitcoin: A Guide to Cryptocurrency Derivatives

    Making profit in a bear market involves knowing how to short Bitcoin. Our guide explains cryptocurrency derivatives and how to use them.
