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Adam Selene

Adam Selene

Adam Selene is a cryptocurrency and blockchain advocate whose experience includes creative oversight roles at high-profile marketing firms. He is particularly interested in the effect of decentralized technologies on societal evolution.
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    Crypto Wallets 101: How To Store Cryptocurrency

    What's the difference between all the different crypto wallets? Before you consider trading cryptocurrency on an exchange, you’ll need to understand what a cryptocurrency wallet is and how it works. Our guide introduces the differences between hardware, software, and "hot" wallets.


  • Refereum ICO canceled - community furious at garbage promises

    Refereum ICO: A Disgrace To The Crypto Community

    The Refereum ICO team made a lot of promises. For instance, they promised to hold an ICO. They promised an ecosystem in which gamers would be rewarded. And they promised partnerships with big industry players. The first, and most important promise, has already been broken.


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    Everything Is Awesome In Crypto Today!

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    How to Protect Your Investment From Crypto Scams

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  • FUD This Shit I'm Buying Some Bitcoin

    FUD This Shit, I’m Buying Some Bitcoin

    Here in the cryptocurrency world, we all love to complain about FUD. (For the uninitiated, that's Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt). Even though Bitcoin is based on only one asset (our mutual trust that it's worth some dollar amount) and even though, like trust in a relationship, that trust is malleable.


  • Tokenizing Web 2.0 Business Models with Cryptocurrency ICO Cash Windfalls

    Tokenizing Web 2.0 Business Models

    Tokenizing Web 2.0 business models is likely to be a major trend in the blockchain industry in 2018. As genuine disruption fades into incremental business gain, tokens like BEE, Experty, and Rentberry look to cash in on cheap VC rather than provide true innovation.


  • Cryptocurrency Exchange Intro Guide by Crypto Briefing

    Cryptocurrency Exchange Intro For New Traders

    A cryptocurrency exchange is where you will trade crypto, altcoins, or tokens, for both fiat currency and other cryptocurrencies. We look at 5 top exchanges for new traders, and point out their individual strengths - from paying in fiat or with a credit card to bonuses.


  • Crypto Chernobyl Meltdown May Be Averted By ICO Projects

    Crypto Chernobyl May Never Happen

    Julian Hosp of TenX has suggested several scenarios which might trigger the cataclysmic crypto crash feared by investors and (it often seems) prayed for by traditional financial players. But the possibility of a crypto Chernobyl may actually be lessening as more money pours into Altcoins.
