Bitcoin is seeing a resurgence in favorable sentiment in Twitter, a figure which correlates strongly with large price gains.
Analysis May. 3, 2019
Some investors buy many cryptocurrencies to diversify their hodlings. While it seems like a good idea, this could actually increase risk.
Analysis Apr. 30, 2019
Tether fears come and go, but the sky has yet to fall. Much like 2017, the latest Bitfinex fears could prompt a surprise run in BTC price.
Analysis Apr. 29, 2019
Should you throw all your money in altcoins? Not so fast. Here's how three investment strategies would have fared in the last mainnet season.
Analysis Apr. 26, 2019
Bitcoin mining is only an environmental disaster if we agree it has no value. If we adhere to the opposite view, energy use is inevitable.
Analysis Apr. 24, 2019
China's NRDC has listed Bitcoin mining for possible elimination, but that's nowhere close to the ban that some outlets are reporting.
Analysis Apr. 22, 2019
MakerDAO is considering yet another increase to stability fees, potentially raising the price of a Dai loan to 14%.
Business Apr. 19, 2019
There is rarely a single reason why Bitcoin suddenly rallies, but analysts have entertained several theories about the past week's rally.
Analysis Apr. 8, 2019
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