Dogecoin Music Festival Gets Backing From Elon Musk

The cryptocurrency community plans for the event to take place this fall.

Dogecoin Music Festival Gets Backing From Elon Musk
Shutterstock photo by red mango

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The Dogecoin community has proposed a DOGE-themed music festival to celebrate the cryptocurrency’s recent success.

Dogepalooza Is On the Way

The festival is being coordinated under the name Dogepalooza, and it is seeking out vendors, volunteers, and sponsors.

The Dogecoin userbase is inviting crypto-friendly celebrities to participate in the festival, including Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk, musician Grimes, rapper Snoop Dogg, and entrepreneur Mark Cuban. All of those celebrities have previously expressed support for Dogecoin or cryptocurrency in general.

So far, only Elon Musk has responded to the idea. On June 1, he stated on Twitter that the idea sounds “kinda fun.”

Though a festival date has not been confirmed, Dogepalooza’s coordinators expect the event to take place this fall.

Other Cryptocurrency Events

While cryptocurrency conferences are commonplace, crypto-themed music festivals are somewhat less common.

Nevertheless, there are a few other events of this type. Blockchain Fest 2021, set to take place in June, will feature entertainment in addition to its regular speakers. Crypto Fest 2021, scheduled for September, has similar plans for an afterparty.

Another notable example of this type of event was Our Music Festival, a one-time event created by musician 3LAU and hosted by the University of California at Berkeley in 2018.

Disclaimer: At the time of writing this author held less than $75 of Bitcoin, Ethereum, and altcoins.

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