Former Trump Advisor Joins America’s Digital Dollar Move

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The Digital Dollar Project today announced the addition of 22 advisors to help steer America’s latest digital dollar initiative. Advisors include President Donald Trump’s former national security aide, Tim Morrison, among others.
Making the Digital Dollar a Reality
Chris Giancarlo, the ex-chairman of the CFTC, formed the Digital Dollar Project back in January to help advocate for an American central bank digital currency (CBDC).
The advocacy group seeks to corral voices from both the crypto space and those who have held government positions.
Today, the group announced 22 new advisors who will steer the conversation around a digital dollar.
According to the release, this group is “a cross-section of distinguished experts in the fields of banking, capital markets, international standards, anti-money laundering, monetary policy, national security, and privacy and property rights.”
The latest trillion-dollar stimulus package highlighted the potential for using a digital dollar earlier this week. Lawmakers included terminology that would see the proposed COVID-19 aid transferred to individuals digitally. It is unclear if Giancarlo’s project played a role in this decision.
At the time of press, however, the digital dollar term has been removed from the legislation.
Along with advocacy efforts, the Digital Dollar Project will also be investigating the monetary policy implications and how such a tool could support economic stability. Giancarlo said:
“The insights and expertise of the new advisory group members will be invaluable as we work together to help make the dollar a more effective and smarter currency in an increasingly digital global economy.”
The group has already held its first virtual meeting. A full list of advisors can be found here.
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