Video: Can EOS Get Wanchain's Party Started?

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Crypto is full of incompatible systems , but there’s one blockchain that’s trying to cross over those divides. Today’s video covers Wanchain, a cryptocurrency that’s on a mission to unite all ledgers in a single interoperable ecosystem.
Kiana starts with the latest news from Wanchain, including the recent revelation that the project is building a new bridge to EOS. That will be the third blockchain integrated with Wanchain, after the launch of Wanchain-compatible WBTC and WETH tokens. Kiana explains some of the features of Wanchain’s smart contracts, which allow these tokens to be trustlessly backed by real bitcoins and ethers without a central custodian.
Next, Kiana takes a look at Wanchain’s prices, which have started to turn guardedly optimistic after several months of consolidation. Although it may still be a while before those red lights turn green, the prospect of another blockchain bridge could help boost Wanchain’s plans for success.
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Crypto Briefing’s CEO is an advisor to Wanchain, but was not involved in the creation of this video.
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