Our Oasis Labs review focuses on Ekiden Protocol, a new blockchain built to address the issues of scalability and security without sacrificing cost. An impressive team of seasoned entrepreneurs leads the Oasis team: and the prototype boasted 100x less cost and 600x better throughput than Ethereum.
STORM token is a focused and smart project that has clear goals and an existing user base. But despite high hopes, the team is not delivering a good enough user experience with its app, and the roadmap is not clearly defined. We see an earnest team, some good work, but a lot more to do.
Substratum (SUB) was launched through a $13.8M ICO in Q3 2017, and although the team continually reinforces that progress is being made, little to no evidence is available beyond their own videos. Our token progress report finds no Github, no product, and ongoing delays. We're avoiding SUB.
The Blackmoon Platform and BMC Token allows users to create, promote, develop, and manage tokenized investment funds. Six months after their ICO, we analyze their roadmap, progress, and partnerships (as well as investor ROI based on token price) to deliver a verdict on Blackmoon's potential.
ChainLink is a natural evolution in the world of smart contracts. Their oracle technology is widely-considered sound, and their SWIFT partnership could be a kingmaker. But although the LINK token has performed well for investors, there is some concern around the lack of marketing and communication.
Electroneum (ETN) aims to take cryptocurrency to the masses - to make crypto easy to trade, easy to transact, and even easy to mine (sort of). This is attractive to an investor as it will apply pressure to the demand for the coin... if it works. Our progress report is positive on Electroneum.
Now for a report on Raiden progress. You may recall that last year, the Raiden Network was a saga of fire and fury... it was certainly a lightning rod for controversy within the Ethereum community (Raiden is the Japanese god of lightning, thunder, and storms, from the Shinto religion).