Anton Tarasov

Anton Tarasov

Anton Tarasov

Head of Research
Anton Tarasov has been serving in the blockchain space since 2016. A strong proponent of the power of intangible resources and personal freedom, he believes cryptocurrencies can improve people’s lives. Loves making music in his spare time.
  • DeFi Transaction Bundler Furucombo Hacked for  Million

    DeFi Transaction Bundler Furucombo Hacked for $14 Million

    Furucombo was exploited for $14 million in the latest DeFi hack.


  • VanEck Europe Launches ETF-Like Bitcoin Product

    VanEck Europe Launches ETF-Like Bitcoin Product

    VanEck's latest bitcoin ETN is still backed by the underlying, which means that the more notes are sold, the more BTC the provider needs.


  • DeFi Project Spotlight: Rocket Pool, Staking Service for Ethereum 2.0

    DeFi Project Spotlight: Rocket Pool, Staking Service for Ethereum 2.0

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  • DeFi Project Spotlight: BarnBridge, an Institutional Bridge to DeFi

    DeFi Project Spotlight: BarnBridge, an Institutional Bridge to DeFi

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  • FTX Exchange Boosted Biden Election Push with .2 Million Donation

    FTX Exchange Boosted Biden Election with $5.2 Million Donation

    One of the largest crypto derivatives exchanges, FTX, donated $5.2 million to Joe Biden’s 2020 presidential campaign, according to reports.


  • Ethereum 2.0 Scheduled for Launch on December 1

    Ethereum 2.0 Scheduled for Launch on December 1

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    Since Brave 1.0 launched a year ago, the blockchain-based privacy browser's key growth metrics have increased substantially
