Andrey Shevchenko

Andrey Shevchenko

Andrey Shevchenko

Andrey Shevchenko is a former editorial manager at Crypto Briefing. He's passionate about technology in all its forms, and sees blockchain as a fundamental component of future societal change.
  • MetaMask wallet banned Android Google

    MetaMask App Removed by Google: Is Crypto Under Attack?

    Ethereum's MetaMask wallet app has been suspended from Google Play for alleged mining code. This follows a temporary crypto ban on YouTube.


  • Stablecoins Are Cryptocurrencies With Low Volatility That Could Replace Fiat Money

    Alleged BTC-E Founder Still Not Extradited Despite $4B Laundering Charges

    Alexander Vinnik will not be extradited after being arrested for more than two years on request of US authorities. He is currently in Greece.


  • Federal-Reserve-debt

    US Banking System Suffers Outage: Crypto Fans Cheer

    The recent outage in the U.S. banking system highlights vulnerabilities in traditional financial infrastructure and underscores the ongoing debate about the scalability and reliability of cryptocurrencies as potential alternatives.


  • monero.develper.cover

    Monero’s Lead Maintainer Steps Aside to Focus on Tari

    Riccardo Spagni, the most prominent Monero team member, stepped down from the reins of the project. He will focus on Tari, an XMR sidechain.


  • China Bitcoin PlusToken

    Was Bitcoin Brought Down by a Chinese Ponzi Scheme?

    A report from Chainalysis claims that funds from Ponzi scheme PlusToken contributed to the market downturn in 2019.


  • Bank of International settlements in Switzerland

    Bank of International Settlements Requesting Feedback for Crypto Regulation

    The Swiss-based body owned by 60 central banks is drafting a policy on crypto asset treatment, requesting comment from all stakeholders.


  • Zcash Foundation Reveals FPGA Research Results

    Can Zcash Blossom Revitalize ZEC’s Price Trend?

    Zcash halved its block time in the Blossom upgrade on Dec. 11. Though markets responded positively, the coin lost a lot of value this year.


  • Bitcoin is stable, Tether announces CNHT

    BitPay Announces Support for USDC, GUSD and PAX User Payments

    BitPay now allows users to pay with stablecoins at merchants serviced by the company. Tether is not one of the supported options though.
